Werfen は最高水準の行動規範と倫理的な活動を遵守することをお約束します。私たちが業界を改善すべく行動し、世界中の医療従事者と患者様から信頼を得るために、当社の行動規範が礎となり実際の事業活動における羅針盤となっています。
Ethics Channel
The Ethics Channel is a platform that facilitates communications between our Compliance Officer and anyone wanting to raise questions and concerns about actual or suspected legal breaches, misconduct, or violations of the Werfen Code of Ethics. Anything submitted via the Ethics Channel will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
Non-retaliation policy
We assume that anyone who raises a concern acts in the best interest of Werfen and deserves to be heard. Therefore, we will not tolerate any retaliation against anyone who raises a concern in good faith. Equally, we do not tolerate abuse of the Ethics Channel.