
The Valab® expert system is a computer-aided biological validation tool with no equivalent on the market. It gives you unparalleled quality of work combining both safety and efficiency. Valab® helps clinical scientists to save a lot of time on automatically validated patients' reports. They can focus on the reports which require special attention and devote more time to their role as consultants. In the LIS (Laboratory Information System), the patients' reports containing Valab® autoverification results indicate test results that are incoherent or outside the limits set by the clinical scientists.
Valab® - The Validation Expert

Improve your quality, safety and efficiency with Valab®
The autoverification of Valab® acts like an intelligent filter. The biologist can concentrate on the reports requiring further investigation, with a resulting gain in efficiency and safety.
- Valab® will significantly reduce timeValab® helps clinical scientists to save a lot of time on automatically validated patients' reports. They can focus on the reports which require special attention and devote more time to their role as consultants.
In the LIS (Laboratory Information System), the patients' reports containing Valab® autoverification results indicate test results that are incoherent or outside the limits set by the clinical scientists. Helping you to make your lab more efficient and improve your patient follow-up.
- Valab® increases dramatically your securityValab® is a powerful expert system, its inference engine contains 25 000 rules to provide combinatorial and relevant medical verification of all of your patients' reports. Valab® is deterministic, reproducible, accountable and qualifiable. For the same input data with the same settings, it will always give the same autoverification results. Valab® is a tried and tested software solution you can count on and is a recognised reference in the field of computer-aided biological validation. As opposed to less sophisticated verification systems, Valab® will even catch values situated within the reference interval if they appear to be incoherent with regard to the overall context of the report.
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Tel: +32 (0) 800 713 37
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 800 882 02 88
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