News Acute Care


November 4, 2024 - Bedford, MA

The new GEM Premier 7000 with iQM3*—the first-ever, rapid point-of-care blood gas testing system with integrated hemolysis detection—has been honored with four major awards, recognizing its significant contributions to medical technology.

GEM Premier 7000 with iQM3 blood gas analyzer

Three of the four awards are the 2024 Excellence Awards, presented by the Medical Device Network, and include:

  • Innovation Award: Recognizing the system as the first to integrate hemolysis detection for improved diagnostic accuracy.
  • Research & Development Award: Honoring the system’s advanced features, from its all-in-one GEM PAK™ cartridge to continuous quality management.
  • Product Launch Award: Celebrating its successful market introduction in the U.S., enhancing efficiency and patient care in acute settings.

The Excellence Awards celebrate the most notable achievements and advancements in the medical device industry. The Medical Device Network is a social business platform connecting medical professionals, buyers, manufacturers, distributors, and vendors for collaboration and procurement of medical products, services, and solutions.

The fourth award is the 2024 R&D 100 Award, presented by R&D World, which recognizes the top 100 new commercial products, technologies, and materials worldwide for their technological significance.

These award highlights the impact of the GEM Premier 7000 on improving healthcare operations and patient outcomes. 

About Werfen’s Acute Care Diagnostics Portfolio

The GEM Premier 7000 with iQM3 system is part of Werfen’s integrated and comprehensive ACD product portfolio—helping clinicians and laboratorians achieve better patient outcomes, lower total cost of care, assure accreditation compliance and improve operational efficiency in hospital acute care settings. For Whole Blood Hemostasis testing, ROTEM viscoelastic testing systems, the GEM Hemochron™ 100 system, and the VerifyNow™ platelet-reactivity testing system inform key clinical decisions regarding transfusion, bleeding risk and heparin dose adjustment during surgical and interventional procedures along with a clinical assessment of the patient’s condition and other laboratory tests. For Blood Gas testing, the GEM Premier systems, including GEM® Premier™ 7000, 5000 and 3500 systems, and the Avoximeter™ 1000 portable CO-Oximeter, simplify POC operations by automating key labor- and skill-intensive tasks, including quality management and system maintenance. From Cardiovascular Operating Rooms and Catheterization Labs, to Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departments, whole-blood, cartridge-based systems with Werfen’s integrated data management solutions, help hospitals improve efficiency and enhance patient care.

Werfen (, founded in 1966, is a worldwide developer, manufacturer and distributor of specialized diagnostic instruments, related reagents, automation workcells, and data management solutions for use primarily in hospitals and independent clinical laboratories. The Company’s clinical areas of focus include Hemostasis, Acute Care, Transfusion, Autoimmunity, and Transplant. Werfen’s Acute Care portfolio includes the new GEM® Premier™ 7000 with iQM®3, the GEM® Premier™ 5000 with iQM®2, GEM Premier 3500 system with iQM, GEM Premier ChemSTAT™ system,  ROTEM® viscoelastic testing systems, Hemochron™ systems, VerifyNow™ platelet function testing system, and Avoximeter™1000 CO-Oximeter, GEMweb® Plus 500 Custom Connectivity and GEMweb Live.

The Hemostasis portfolio includes ACL TOP® Family 50 Series and ACL TOP Family Hemostasis Testing Systems, ACL AcuStar® system, ACL Elite® systems, HemoCell™ Specialized Lab Automation, HemoHub™ Intelligent Data Manager, along with the comprehensive line of HemosIL® assays.

The Werfen logo is a trademark of Werfen. GEM, Premier, GEM Premier ChemSTAT, GEMweb, iQM, ChemSTAT, HemosIL, ACL, ACL TOP, ACL Elite, ACL AcuStar, ReadiPlasTin, RecombiPlasTin, SynthASil, SynthAFax, ROTEM, Hemochron, VerifyNow and Avoximeter are trademarks of Instrumentation Laboratory Company, d.b.a Werfen, and/or one of its subsidiaries or parent companies and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks, logos, and symbols are trademarks of their respective owners.

*Not Health Canada licensed. Not available in all countries.


Media contact:

Name: Sally McCraven



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