뉴스 Corporate


3월 15일, 2023년 - Barcelona, Spain

Cover 2023

Werfen completes acquisition of Immucor, Inc., expanding leadership in Specialized Diagnostics

  • Werfen announced in November 2022 that it reached an agreement to acquire Immucor, Inc. for approximately US$2 billion.

  • The transaction has received all necessary regulatory approvals.

  • The Transfusion and Transplant product lines complement Werfen’s existing Hemostasis, Acute Care and Autoimmunity business lines, expanding its portfolio of specialized diagnostics solutions for hospitals and clinical laboratories.


Barcelona, March 15, 2023 - Werfen has successfully completed the acquisition of Immucor, Inc., after obtaining all necessary regulatory and antitrust approvals.

Immucor is a privately held, US-based company, in the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) sector, with a solid global presence in the Transfusion and Transplant markets.

“During our more than 50-year history, we have demonstrated our strong commitment to expand our IVD business through organic growth, complemented with highly strategic acquisitions,” said Carlos Pascual, CEO of Werfen.

The price of the acquisition was approximately US$2 billion and financed by a combination of cash on hand and bank debt facilities syndicated by 19 national and international entities, led by BBVA, BNP Paribas, CaixaBank and HSBC. As part of its credit management, Werfen plans to refinance part of the debt in the capital markets, as well as quickly reduce the level of indebtedness. Following the announcement of the acquisition, Standard & Poor’s affirmed Werfen’s investment grade rating (BBB-) with a stable outlook.

With the integration of Immucor, Inc., Werfen expands its presence as a company of reference in the Specialized Diagnostics market, and grows its portfolio of diagnostic solutions for hospitals and clinical laboratories. In addition, revenues will exceed €2.2 billion, and the Company will have seven technology centers and employ more than 7,000 people worldwide; with a direct presence in more than 30 countries and in more than 100 territories through distributors.


About Werfen

Founded in 1966, Werfen is a worldwide developer, manufacturer and distributor of Specialized Diagnostic instruments, related reagents, automation workcells, and data management solutions for use primarily in hospitals and independent clinical laboratories. The Company's business lines include Hemostasis, Acute Care Diagnostics, Autoimmunity, and Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM). Werfen operates directly in more than 30 countries and in more than 100 territories through distributors. For more information, visit werfen.com


About Immucor

Founded in 1982, Immucor is a global leader in Transfusion and Transplant diagnostics, facilitating patient-donor compatibility. The Company strives to create a world where anyone, anywhere in need of a transfusion or a transplant receives the right blood or transplant that is safe, accessible, and affordable. With the right match, a life can be transformed, together. To learn more, visit immucor.com.

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This document contains forward-looking statements about our business, financial data, and events related to the prospects of Werfen. These forecasts can be identified by the use of words such as “expectation”, “vision”, “anticipation”, “intention”, “plan”, “belief”, “search”, “estimate”, “future”, “project”, or words with a similar meaning. We may also make projections in other reports, presentations, and press releases. Furthermore, our sales representatives may occasionally make forward-looking statements. These projections are based on our current expectations and on certain hypotheses, many of which are beyond the corporation’s control and subject to a series of risks and uncertainties. In the event that any of these risks or uncertainties should materialize or the underlying expectations are not fulfilled, the results or performance of Werfen may differ substantially (either positively or negatively) from those explicitly or implicitly forecast. Werfen assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements made previously.


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데이터 보호 정책: 개인정보보호 규정의 적용에 있어 상업적 관계(주문 관리 및/또는 청구, 제품 공지 발송, 조사, 예측, 통계 분석 및 비즈니스 방문 관리와 관련된 기타 활동을 포함한 비즈니스 관계 관리)를 유지하고 어떤 수단(전자적이든 아니든)으로든 귀하가 관심을 가질 수 있는 제품 및/또는 서비스에 대한 정보를 제공하기 위해 귀하의 개인 데이터는 WERFEN, S.A.의 책임 하에 파일에 통합되고 처리될 것임을 알려드립니다.

처리에 대한 책임: 웨펜메디칼아이엘(주), 서울시 서초구 매헌로 16, 하이브랜드 빌딩 리빙관 1101호 06771​

데이터 보호 담당자: werfenkorea@werfen.com

처리의 법적 근거: 이 처리는 제품 및/또는 서비스의 상업적 계약을 이행하기 위해 필요하며 상업적 커뮤니케이션, 제품 및/또는 서비스의 공급, 시장 조사 및 당사 웹사이트의 개선에 대한 귀하의 동의가 필요합니다.

수신자 또는 수신자 카테고리: 웨펜메디칼아이엘㈜가 서비스 제공(호스팅, 교육 및 통신 서비스, 이벤트의 조직)을 위임한 Werfen 회사 및 제3자. 법적 또는 계약 상 필요한 경우.

보존 기간: 귀하가 당사 제품 및/또는 서비스 및/또는 당사 웹 페이지의 사용자이며 상업적 통신 수신에 반대하지 않는 경우. 그 후 데이터는 5년 동안 정식으로 차단된 상태로 유지될 것입니다.

권리: 귀하는 액세스, 수정 또는 삭제 권한을 행사할 수 있으며, 데이터 처리를 제한하거나, 이의를 제기하거나, 데이터의 이동을 요청하거나, werfenkorea@werfen.com에 서면으로 동의한 내용을 철회할 수 있습니다.

마찬가지로, 데이터 주체는 한국정보보호 진흥원 https://www.kisa.or.kr 에 불만을 제기 할 수 있습니다.

귀하가 본 "연락처" 양식을 통해 보내주신 정보는 귀하의 요청에 응하기 위한 목적으로만 사용되므로, 다른 국가의 다른 Werfen 회사 또는 자회사로 이관될 수 있습니다.

"가동의함"을 클릭하면 귀하는 귀하의 데이터가 당사의 데이터 보호 정책에 의해 관리된다는 데 동의하는 것입니다.